Hi all, hope that you are doing OK in the second lock down, not too long to go now until the 2nd December when we can not wait to open our doors again & welcome everyone back!
We are so grateful that after the first lock down we were so well supported and we had a really lovely & busy time.
All of our artists are busy producing lovely & exciting new work behind the scenes & we are busy dealing with emails & deliveries too at the moment, obviously that is mixed with a little more time than usual at home which we are trying to enjoy!
We know that we will have lots of new paintings to come back to & we're looking forward to the run up to Christmas as much as we can, we will try & make the most of what is left of 2020 (but we must say we will certainly be pleased to see the back of it too)!!
Don't forget you can still call us on 01325 363635 & we will be happy to help with anything.
So stay safe & we will see you soon
Richard, Gwen & Helen
